Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The best swedish SR radio and SVT TV online and podcasts

One of the things I miss the most in Estonia is the high end of the Swedish media selection (as denoted according to some arbitrary scale). Maybe it's the great things in Estonia which keep missing me, but either way, there is a lot of Swedish stuff I really like. Modern technology makes it all the simpler not only to never miss a show, but to view it even when you're abroad, so here goes! In the words of Percy Nilegård: "Det är humor, det är humor, det är humor"

I find it somewhat curious that Swedish media distinguish between streaming and downloadable media (after all, it's nothing a mplayer -dumpfile foo.wmv -dumpstream mms:// won't take care of), but anyway they strip the music away from downloadable media, so that means that you have to capture those awesome P3 Live concerts in real-time.

Swedish Radio provides most of its programming and then some (except major sport events?) through its online radio. Beside this, many of the programs have their own homepages with pictures and additional material (plus some have the dubious habit of posting stuff on youtube)

Finally of course, one must not miss the P1 Sommar programs which vary from amazingly cool to really boring every day of the summer, depending on who's hosting the program.

SVT television doesn't really provide anything for real-time streaming, but SVT Play provides at least most of the programs which are own productions, and its open archive is pretty amazing (as a complement to the funny stuff you anyway find on youtube nowadays). Some key programs are also available as podd-tv (vodcast).

Usually after watching a program I just keep the video file I have streamed down, so if someone would for example be passionate about my collection of Kobra episodes, we can do something about that as well.

(Update: copyriot has a great blog-post about the legality of radio ripping (in Swedish), cudoz to him)


Martin said...


Är en stor radiokonsument via rss då jag som du är i förskingringen - men får kolla in TV lite mer. Bra lista!

Carl-Johan Sveningsson said...

Tack Martin! :-)

Precis, när man är i förskingringen blir det ett helt annat värde med det. Säg till om du vill ladda ned saker och har problem med det, jag har fått rutin på det...

En gång i tiden brukade jag lyssna mycket på webradio med, men det blir inte samma sak när man inte har svenskar på kontoret. Dessutom sände de ju inte fotbolls-VM och sånt på webben! :-P

Anonymous said...

Schyssta prylar CJ!

Mediautbudet i USA ar ocksa ganska trist i jamforelse. Kvantitet ar en dalig ersattare for kvalitet :-(

† Herzleid † said...

Du är så IT.. jag mår lite illa. XD
Noterar till min fasa att du inte verkar lyssna på P2 - skandal! De få gånger jag lyssnar på radio nuförtiden (när jag sitter vid datorn försöker jag oftast jobba och det är otroligt svårt att jobba med ord när nån matar sådana i örat på en från annat håll) lyssnar jag gärna på Felicia och Folke.

:P Sorry, I just had to spread some folkmusik around..

Carl-Johan Sveningsson said...

Haha, förlåt, inte meningen att göra dig illamående förstås... ;-)

Näe, jag har helt missat P2, men det är alltid kul med inspiration, som jag fick en del från copyriot nyligen med.

Anonymous said...


You are a swede in Estonia ? I have been to Tallinn a few times and hope to go there again.


Carl-Johan Sveningsson said...

Yep, I am, we have a nice expat community here and everything!